Sokakra elemi erővel hatott Lady Gaga előadása az Oscar gálán, amely a bántalmazott nőket állította fókuszba. Olyannyira, hogy Jaime King ennek hatására beszélt először arról, hogy 12 évesen szexuálisan bántalmazták, írja a NyDailynews.

A Twitter oldala után Instagram oldalán folytatta a történetet, amihez egy 14 éves korában készült képet mellékelt, és túlélőnek nevezte magát. Mint írja, nem akarta egy újságnak lenyilatkozni a történetét, mert nem az volt a cél, hogy címlapsztori legyen, inkább így akarta kiírni magából a dolgot.

SURVIVOR - Thank you @kyle_newman for loving me whole * My children * @lenadunham for her relentless bravery that always leads my Spirit to stand up* Dr. Randy Harris for YEARS of empathy * Michael Hayes @awaketolove ~ there are no words * Dr. Allan Phillips * @erikaklein * @ladygaga * #DianeWarren for breaking me whole last night and tonight* TS I love you for being there no matter what* Thank you to the only people I have told * Thank you to @damhave ~ you know why * Thank you @hooligandreamer* Thank you @amandadecadenet * Thank you to @unwomen & all organizations that have tirelessly worked to somehow comfort & make right * Thank you to myself to not choosing to not make this a cover story though that was what was suggested to me but to express from my heart to you all personally which felt the most honest way for me to speak * Thank you to my Soul, body, mind, emotions, my inner child, my younger self, I love you. It's a night of celebration, of change, of not being ashamed of your race, creed color, situation, circumstances and environment, or past. Now I am free, somewhat. Thank you for the switch that went off inside finally when I realized my silence said I cannot help nor change and that is not who I am. I love you all very much for creating a safe space. The time is now. I was about 14 here, it started at 12. Peace Be Still *

A photo posted by Jaime King (@jaime_king) on