Josué Ullate egy spanyol balett-táncos, aki 1993-ban született, és most azért hallottunk róla, mert a Modus Vivendi nevű alsónadrágokat reklámozza olyan attraktív fotókkal, mint például a fenti és az alábbi. Ez a márka pedig évek óta küldi szerkesztőségünkbe a sajtóközleményeket, és ezekben mindig van egy-egy szórakoztatóan értelmetlen, tört angol nyelven készült interjú a modellekkel. Josué Ullate interjúját idekopizom a kép alá egy legördülő keretesbe, hátha valaki ugyanolyan szórakoztatónak találja majd, mint mi szoktuk, bár kétségtelen, hogy a 27 éves balettművésszel kapcsolatban messze nem ez az interjú a legérdekesebb dolog.

Modus Vivendi Launches the Smooth Knit Line from the Fall Winter 2020-2021 Collection – Interview with our model Josue Ullate exclusively for you

In ancient Greece people believed that you have to care for the 3 most important self the Body, the Mind and the Soul. What are your daily habits to support and evolve yourself?

I think there is a connection between the three of them, when you take care of your mind automatically you will have a healthy body and of course a heathy soul. Me I’m trying every day to stay positive and take everything as a new experience... The rest just manifests.

Do you believe people can change? Change their habits, physical appearance … what it takes?

I think all of us we have an essence, and this is going to be with us forever, of course all of us can change whenever we want, but in my opinion, to change, first you have to change your thoughts.

What’s your favorite person of all times? Why he/she inspires you?

My father, he is an amazing person first of all, he had teach me how to deal with everything on life, he was an amazing dancer, an amazing master and an amazing choreographer, he is the proof for me that when you really work for something, you really achieve this something.

Is family important to you? Do you spend time with them?

For me is super important, I try as much as I can to stay close to them somehow.

Any causes you support? How people can help others?

I love dogs, well, animals in general, so I try to collaborate whenever I can with people who take animals from the streets and shelter them. I think people can help each other respecting, we need to find pleasure in the action of helping someone else.

Have you changed your daily habits to support the environment?

I’m trying not to buy unnecessary things, we are living on the overexploitation of our planet, and we don't have a second one, I’m trying to take consciousness of this every day.

Are you currently in a relationship? What do you value in a person?

The important thing when you are in a relationship is the way you see and live the life on the side of this person.

Favorite movies, books or music?

There is a book that I loved called Momo, talks about time, I can't say I love one kind of music, I really love music in general, so when I like a song, can be classical, techno, flamenco, rock, reggae... I’m a huge fan of superheroes movies in general!

What do you do to stay connected with others?

Meeting whenever they are close to you as much as you can, if not, we have infinity technology that that we can use.

What dancing gives to you as a person? Is it a tool to self-explore, express?

Many times dancing was therapy for me... The perfect chance to express all things you cannot express with words.

How covid19 did change you?

Daily life, life perspective, priorities … The virus changed the way we live ... For me, it is the perfect chance to give the importance to the things that they really are.

Bár ez a Kockahas blog, az alábbiakban elsősorban nem Ullate hasáról, hanem a lábszárairól lesz szó. Íme egy lassított felvétel, amin meg lehet őket nézni ugrás közben.

Nem csak én szúrom ki gonosz módon a címben, hogy Ullate lába mintha visszafelé hajlana, hanem a jelenségre ő maga is rendszeresen felhívja a figyelmet, többek között az alábbi poszttal.

Az ember azt gondolhatja, hogy mindez minden bizonnyal nem csak genetika, hiszen Ullate mutatja is, milyen gyakorlattal szokott nyújtani.

Persze simán lehet, hogy ön nálam járatosabb a balett, illetve sport világában, ezért nem érik meglepetésként az olyan képek, mint pl. az alábbi.

És még egy lábcentrikus kép a végére, aztán várjuk kíváncsian a szavazatokat: Jessz! vagy Nem annyira...?